
The current project prioritizes Black students’ perspectives of their institutions’ commitment to anti-racism, equity, and inclusion within the current political climate, and examines the associations between Black student’s perceptions of the institutional climate, rates of mental health service utilization, and their overall college adjustment.
The Black Women Thriving Study will investigate how to recruit, support, and retain Black women in STEM pathways to help build and sustain transformative educational opportunities for Black women at Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs) and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
The Black Woman Socialization Study focuses on the messages that Black undergraduate women received while growing up about their identities as Black girls and their awareness of stereotypes about Black women (e.g., Sapphire, Strong Black Woman, and the Jezebel).
The main goal of this study is to explore Black mothers’ utilization of conscious parenting practices (CPP) and how they believe such strategies affect their relationship with their children. To accomplish this, we collected survey data and in-depth interviews with Black mothers across the country.
This study will identify if and how Black parents use socialization messages on gender and race to foster positive developmental competencies among their daughters. A main goal is to explore the extent to which Black parents discuss an awareness of gendered racism and misogynoir as a day-to-day reality for Black women and girls, and how they integrate this awareness into their parenting practices.